Como ser auténtic@s superheroes.

Ola peques e pecas, ás veces oímos falar de superheroes que teñen poderes como capacidade para voar, forza atómica,....poderes que non están ao noso alcance e que só existen nas pelis.
Pero no noso mundo hai moitas inxustizas e necesítanse persoas que loiten para eliminalas e que axuden aos demais. O verdadeiro poder do auténtico superheroe RESIDE NOS SEUS VALORES, os cales debe entrenar e reforzar ao longo de toda a súa vida.
Tod@s podemos ser AUTÉNTICOS SUPERHEROES porque dispoñemos de valores e ferramentas como:
Neste video, Súperpepo recorda o seu primeiro ano na academia de Superheroes de Jotam, e como conseguíu a súa primeira capa. Axudando a unha compañeira.

Se queredes ver outros videos de Súperpepo pinchade na imaxe.

No mundo real hai moitos superheroes que loitan para mellorar as súas vidas e as dos demais. Aquí tedes a un auténtico superheroe.

Cos seguintes xogos tomaremos conciencia da importancia do cambio climático e a nosa responsabilidade e tamén sobre como previr desastres.

Unique Buildings of the United States

The 5th graders are doing a section in class on unique buildings. Here a few from the United States!

This is the Empire State Building. It is in New York City. It has 102 floors! 

This is the White House. It is in Washington D.C. and it is where the President of the United States lives.

This is the Space Needle. It is in Seattle, Washington. It has a restaurant at the very top!

This is the Supreme Court Building. It is in Washington D.C. and it is where the federal judges of the United States work.

This building is called the EMP: The Experience Music Project. It is in Seattle, Washington too. It is a museum of music!

This is my favorite unique building in the United States. It is called the Corn Palace and it is in South Dakota!! It is covered in corn! Every year, they replace and redesign the corn.


Hi, sixth graders!
This post is to complete our lessons about jobs.
I think it is interesting.

Why don't you have a look at these videos?

Orientacións ás familias

Deixámosvos no seguinte enlace un documento con información relacionada coa importancia das tarefas escolares das técnicas de estudo, que pode ser do voso interese:


Hello, children!

Last week I received this photo from our friend Maria.

As you can see, the card was written at Christmas to send you The Best Wishes for this year.
She loves you a lot and she likes to see you on the blog.
So, we are going to answer her.

Hello, Maria! 
How are you?
Today is The School Day of Non-violence and Peace.
This is our Slogan for this year's celebration:

 "The more we get together the happier we'll be" 

 This includes you.
 So, please, can and visit us, as soon as you can!


We had been working about peace all week long.

These are the five-year old kids with their Hearts and Doves of Peace.

Peaceful Hugs and Kisses!!!!


   Hello, everyone! 


 If you click on the image you can read a book about PEACE
     Do you like it?        

   What is PEACE for you?


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